
Thursday, November 22, 2012


'clicknlearn' is such an interactive website designed to make language learning fun and can be learnt at a fast pace. The exercises available are organized according to different levels of difficulty, catering the different needs of the pupils. clicknlearn is suitable for all ages and levels. All one has to do is click and have fun at the questions provided.

What is amazing about it :
1. Easy to browse through- the flow of the pages after doing the exercises on the website is smooth and it makes the learning faster and accessible.
2. There are four languages available for learning on this website; English, Spanish, French and Valencian.
3. It has a range of levels; from basic to advanced level ( it is designed to cater the different levels of students).
4. Range in various topics as well; the topics are categorized according to students' interest and level for example, for an advanced student, topics like global warming or racial discrimination might interest him/her.
5. Attractive illustrations.
6. Gives clear use of grammar rules in its' exercises. The exercises also shows how the grammar is used according to context. There are also good examples of sentences displayed.
7. The exercises uses a lot of repetition technique, thus may be good for memorization of phrases and expressions.
8. Interactive- gives an impression of a fun and game- like website that would attract younger students especially in exploring and using the website.

Limitations :
1. Some of the activities may rely too much on memorizing that it limits the use of common sense and logic that may be needed in terms of guessing the right answer for the question.
2. Some of the activities provided uses long texts that may put off students' interest to start on an activity.

How it can be used in the language classroom (suggestion) :
1. The exercises provided on this website actually comprises sufficient amount of drills for students to at least remember a few phrases in a different language. Therefore, teachers could use this website as a supplement to a lesson taught in class. Teachers could ask students to spend half an hour on the site after a previous lesson that focuses on a certain topic like prepositions.

Have fun trying and click on the link to give it a go:
Thank You.

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